Offshore Wind Farm Tooling
Pile Prop
PileProp© is a simple tool for providing temporary deflection constrain in the annulus area to be grouted between the pre-installed pile and the insert. Arranged in clusters, PileProp© acts as a pair of adjustable and fully lockable struts between jacket insert and inside of the pile. PileProp© can accommodate significant misalignment between pile and jacket insert.
Key Advantages
- Improves the on-bottom stability (OBS) limits by creating a temporary connection between the pile and the jacket.
- Limits movement of the jacket during the grout curing period thus reducing the weather and sea-state limitations governing the commencement of grouting operations.
- Once actuated able to hold jacket in station for up to 7 days prior to grouting process, thus freeing up installation vessel to carry on with further jacket installations.

Power & Control System
- Power & Control System
- The PCS consists of a HPU powered by diesel generator housed within an 8ft’ container certified for offshore lifting.
- The PCS provides hydraulic flow and pressure to the PileProp© cylinders.
- The PCS can be remotely controlled by a wireless pendant from the jacket installation vessel, another support vessel, or ground level.
- A panel within the PCS can be used for local control. Lighting is provided within container for this purpose.
- The PCS is mounted and seafastend in the proposed location on the TP.
- The PCS can be operated remotely with the doors closed.
Contact Us
Need a safe, well designed, high quality handling system for your offshore equipment? Contact us to discuss.